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Tax Speaker Corporate Transparency Act Updated - REBROADCAST Webinar
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Tax Speaker

Tax Speaker Corporate Transparency Act Updated REBROADCAST 

Presented by Washington Association of Accounting and Tax Professionals and Tax Speaker

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - Live Streamed Webinar


Event schedule: 

  • Morning Welcome: 12:00 pm Pacific
  • Corporate Transparency Act Updated Webinar: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Pacific


Speaker: TaxSpeaker Presenter

      Bob Jennings CPA, EA


Location: Live Streamed Webinar


CPE Credits: 1 IRS Approved Update Tax Hours depending on attendees credentials 


Lecture presentation plus accompany power point slides. The new Corporate Transparency Act goes into effect 1/1/2024 and severe financial and criminal penalties will apply to businesses that fail to report. Exemptions are available for various types of taxable and not-for-profit entities as well as for businesses with >$5 million in revenues and 20 employees under IRS definition guidelines. All filing, exemption and reporting requirements will be explained in this short course.

All Live Streamed Webcast seminar attendees are also provided with: PDF of hyperlinked manual.

You will be challenged and intrigued by this TaxSpeaker course.


THIS IS A REBROADCAST - Earn Live CPE credit. This is a rebroadcast of an earlier webinar with a Live Moderator to answer your questions.


Attendee Requirements:

Earn Live CPE credit.
Live Streamed attendees: You must have a high speed internet connection, speakers connected to your computer, headphones or call in for audio and a monitor.
If you have more than 1 person PAID FOR and REGISTERED for the streaming webinar and all would like to watch from the same computer, please complete the Proctor Form and return to us AFTER completion of the webinar in order to receive CPE credit.
You can log in 10 minutes early. Please note-you will not see or hear the speaker until the prompt start time.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course the student will understand what the new CTA requires, what reporting is required, when reports are due, what filing exemptions are available, potential penalties and definitions.



Course Level:



Registration fee: 

WAATP members : $90

Non-members : $90





Fees and Schedule - This Taxspeaker InPerson and Internet-Live webcast will begin and end promptly at stated time. All 8-hour webcasts will break for lunch, and have 2, 10-15 minute breaks. 

 Attendees must answer 75% of all polling questions given during the day to obtain the full hours of CPE Credits.

 Cancellation and Refund Policy: Registration fees will be refunded in full for up to 3 days in advance of the seminar. Registrations may be transferred 1-3 days prior to the seminar date. NO REFUNDS/TRANSFERS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THE SEMINAR MATERIALS AND WEBINAR LINK HAS BEEN SENT AND THE SEMINAR BEGINS. NO EXCEPTIONS





Updated June 8, 2024


Contact: WAATP Office - [email protected] - 509-993-2307