Education |
Below is the list of programming. Click on the event link for details on registration pricing as well as the link to the online registration form.
- Business Entities
Auburn, WA October 28-29, 2013
- IRS Working Together Symposium
Seattle, WA November 7, 2013
- 1040 Tax Update & Ethics for Tax Professionals
Everett, WA November 11-12, 2013
- 1040 Tax Update & Ethics for Tax Professionals
Auburn, WA December 2-3, 2013
- 1040 Tax Update & Ethics for Tax Professionals
Spokane, WA December 9-10, 2013
Around the State
Chapter Events
We have four active chapters around the state. These chapter officers have been diligently working to bring relevant education to the chapter members and with creating a quality collaborative peer meeting environment. Go to to find out what is happening in your chapter.
Chapter Listservs
All WAA members have been subscribed to their chapter listserv based on the chapter listed in their profile. Download these listserv instructions to learn how to subscribe if you do not currently have a chapter affiliation listed on your profile, to unsubscribe, or to change the email address you want subscribed to the listserv.
Membership Dues
The non-deductible portion of WAA membership dues for Active and Associate members is 26% for this fiscal year. This amount is attributable to lobbying activities.
In Memorandum
If you are aware of a WAA member who has passed on please contact [email protected].
Job Board
Looking for Work or a New Employee? Check Out Our WAA Job Board!
Click here to learn more and see current jobs and resumes.
Editorial Content
The principal aims of this publication are the advancement of the accounting profession and communication among our members. Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual writers and not necessarily those of WAA or the Editor. Please submit articles and comments to [email protected].
The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month preceding publication.
The mission of the Washington Association of Accountants is to promote and protect the right of every member to practice accounting and taxation; to provide the services and professional education necessary to maintain and improve professional competence.
From the President
by Jerry Gintz
Maintaining and gaining relevancy:
This past December I shared with you some perspective on what associations, like WAA, are facing with regard to the demographic shift/transition from the Baby-boomer generation to the GenX and Echo-boomer generations. It has been a recommended, deliberate and productive conversation within our entire organization, especially within the leadership structure, for the past 2 years. WAA is serious about making this transition successful, so that the largest number is served well by the results.
This past week the WAA Board of Directors invested a significant amount of time together, in a disciplined approach toward answering the call given in a book written for associations: The Road to Relevance, written by Harrison Coerver and Mary Byers, CAE. On the heels of a significant Bylaw revision (focused on streamlining and providing flexibility), comes an energized volunteer board with a deep understanding of the “relevancy” issues our association faces over the next decade of transition. Our time together was certainly challenging as we pulled ourselves through the material, hammered down some very contentious points in the discussion and then used some tools we bean-counters like to use, as we summarized the issues and opportunities with a disciplined approach. It was a time of refocusing as we took the time to examine our core mission in a very critical-thinking way. We were tired at the end, but when all was said and done, we realized we had accomplished a significant part in the transition process. The board believes we have moved into position to be able to make strategic decisions that will meet the needs of professionals, both members and non-members alike, on either side of this demographic transition.
Regarding the Bylaws revision: To everyone who took the time to engage in this process, hopefully you have a sense of accomplishment for your effort. The Association is grateful for your dedication and involvement.
Click here for a summary of that process and the results
by Cynthia Polley
Sunny days and summer heat draw us away from the office to enjoy some summer fun! But, we at WAA are busy planning for the fall season, when all tax and accounting professionals look to get their tax updates and education. WAA has been providing outstanding quality education from a variety of vendors for many years. The mission of WAA to provide professional education to maintain and improve professional competence is continuing with expanded education options from our online vendors; Bob Jennings, Western CPE, Bisk Education CPEasy, Income Tax School, and Fast Forward Academy. Enjoy the summer knowing that WAA has the education you need when the rainy days return.
Discounts, Discounts, Get Your Discounts!…….When you purchase education through WAA’s online vendors you save. Another good reason to use WAA as your education resource!

New Board Kathy Jolly, Jerry Gintz, Rizwan Chaudhry, Charles Grass, Melanie Levno & Sonia Smith
Past Presidents Len Larson, Kathy Hettick & Bob McKinley
The Affordable Care Act Realities and Taxpayer Relief Act Update was a riveting seminar with the most up to date information on the upcoming health care mandate. It was a full 8-hours of information. There were 130 attendees who, when polled, felt there was so much information that they would need another update just to take it all in. John Stevko is a leading expert on the topic and impressed on everyone the importance of reaching out to our clients early to help prepare them for the coming new regulations. We all know the regulations are still changing daily so we have to keep up to date. WAA online education vendors have some great options to keep you informed.
NW Chapter Darrell Stewart, Kathy Jolly, Ronnie Wright & Dale Offret
WAA Education
Online Coming Events
Jennings Education - Webinars
Bob Jennings will offer a webinar update to Affordable Health Care Act every day in August and September, so keep watching the website for those comping up.
Self Study Course
Implementing Obamacare: 3.8% Medicare Tax
Online Webcasts
Hot Topics in Health Care Accounting and Auditing (Available online, textbook or video)
You can also get the latest updates featured in their bi-weekly tax webcasts.
Convention Committee
by Kathy Jolly
What a great time we had at WAA’s Annual Convention last month at the Holiday Inn in Everett. So much was accomplished at the Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday. In additional to the usual business, a Bylaw revision was passed, Steve Hansen, vice president of NSA shared with us exciting things happening at the national level, Gary Smith of Independent Business Association (IBA) gave us a state legislative update, and WAA’s annual award recipients were recognized.
At the evening banquet, we laughed at a couple of YouTube clips that could have been any one of our tax clients. (click here)
After years of hearing John Stevko present at seminars, we finally got to meet his lovely wife, Sue. Steve Hansen installed Sonia Smith and Rizwan Chaudhry to second terms on the State Board of Directors and Kathy Jolly as Treasurer. We then raffled off baskets that the Chapters had donated and Steve auctioned off 3 bottles of wine, which has become quite the WAA tradition. All proceeds go to the NSA Scholarship Fund, which will benefit a Washington State accounting college student. We topped off the night by relaxing and enjoying each other’s company in the Hospitality Room.
Friday was a full day of Affordable Health Care Act education with John Stevko of Gear Up as our speaker. The consensus of the attendees was that there was, not only so much to learn now, but also as this legislation continues to be implemented in the next couple of years.
Thank you to the Northwest Chapter for hosting this event and to the Association Office for staffing it. We look forward to what the Puget Sound Tacoma Chapter has in store for us next year!
Awards Committee
by Sonia Smith
At our Annual Meeting on June 20, 2013 awards were given to honor some of our members. The following awards were presented:
JOE McREYNOLDS : Shawn Gagnon – Puget Sound Tacoma Chapter For her commitment, service and dedication to the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, her encouragement to WAA associates and ability to teach classes at the Chapter level.
GRAND AWARD OF EXCELLANCE: Melanie Levno – Spokane Chapter For her endless time and energy to WAA as Chapter Treasurer, the State Secretary and Chair of Member Benefits. She is truly a cheerleader for WAA.
MERRILLEE RAPLEY: Cynthia Polley – Northwest Chapter For her long term work as Education Chair. This has involved working with the IRS ever changing education requirements, getting program numbers for all the chapters, serving on the state board and always having a calming presence with great accomplishments for WAA. OUTSTANDING SERVICE BY A MEMBER: Astrid Arola – Puget Sound Tacoma Chapter For her continued time and dedication to Chair the Editorial committee and working on the Proposed Bylaw Revisions to benefit WAA members.
Chapter Officer of the Year and Chapter of the Year were awarded at the Officer luncheon.
Chapter Officer of the Year: Dale Offret - Northwest Chapter
Chapter of the Year: Spokane Chapter
Congratulations to all our award recipients! WAA appreciates all that our members do!
NSA Update
by Astrid Arola
If you are a WAA member, you can now get a Free trial membership to NSA!! (new NSA members only)
Members who take advantage of this special offer will receive a host of NSA benefits including: • Access to the online CCH Tax Center • Subscription to NSA Tax Talk • Access to the Resource Library with sample letters and the Income and Fee Survey data • Subscriptions to NSAlert, NSA MemberLink, Main Street Practitioner and NSA Practice Advisor
Click here to join or to get more information:
Also: We are so proud of our own Kathy Hettick, WAA member, who is running for NSA 2nd VP!
To support her & find out more, please visit her website at
Chapter News
Greater Seattle Chapter
by Jeremy Saladino
Wow this weather has been awesome. Okay air conditioning has been required a few days last month. But Seattle Chapter is doing great. In the last two months, we installed our new chapter officers, attended the State Convention, and had an update on the state budget from Gary Smith of IBA. After the Chapter installation in July, we had our annual round table discussion about what topics and/or speakers we as a chapter wanted to see in the next year. There was talk of reaching out to the local community college and inviting students to join us for lunch. We agreed that our mini-seminar should be an Intermediate Excel class, to include pivot tables. We thought both WAA members and possibly some clients might find this worthwhile. Also mentioned were a few speakers from prior meetings that we wanted to ask back. It was a very productive meeting with a few new faces in the crowd who said that they would be back.
New President Sonia Smith is set to increase our donation next year for the Scholarship fund. June had a large Jar of Assorted M&M’s. In July we auctioned off “sold out” tickets to Seahawks training camp, dinner for six and an after dinner cruise on Lake Sammamish (thank you Gary Smith. Rumor has it that Charlie Grass has arranged a cruise on Lake Washington for the August meeting.
Seattle Chapter has again been asked to be the point team for gathering volunteers for the WAA Booth at the Washington Small Business Fair held at Renton Technical College on Sept 28th. Jeremy Saladino will be the contact on this and will be looking for volunteers for an hour or two at our table. For more information on the fair see their website at To volunteer, talk to your Chapter President or Jeremy Saladino, no experience necessary!
Please join us at our next meeting on Aug 7th.
Northwest Chapter
by Ronnie Wright
A great big THANK YOU to Cindy Polley of the Northwest Chapter for her presentation on 1040NR’s at July’s Northwest Chapter Meeting. The meeting was a huge success and the feedback has been very positive. Cindy will also be teaching this topic at the Tacoma Puget Sound and Spokane Chapter Meetings throughout the year. Look for these announcements within the respective Chapter Bulletins and Announcements.
The Northwest Board has been busy planning the agenda for the year. We have some very exciting topics, which are sure to be of benefit as you prepare for another tax season.
Next month’s meeting, to be held on Thursday, August 8, 2013 – will be taught by Darrell Stewart, CPA, Northwest Chapter President. The topic of discussion, “What to advise your client to do before 10/1: The Affordable Care Act”. This will be a very informative discussion on what we need to advise our clients to do prior to the October 1, 2013 deadline.
Have a safe and fun summer everyone!
Puget Sound/Tacoma Chapter
by Shawn Gagnon
The summer is heating up and so is the Puget Sound Tacoma Chapter. Our upcoming meeting August 6 will cover the Downfall of DOMA, and what that means for our tax practices.
We are also planning our fall 4-hour mini-seminar, taking place on Wednesday, September 25. Mark your calendars to hear more from entertaining speaker Andy Landis, as he explores the deeper mysteries of Social Security and Medicare. He did a one-hour presentation at our June chapter meeting, and left us wanting more. As our client base ages, they look to us to help them navigate the waters of Social Security and Medicare, and we must be prepared. This seminar will give you loads of information to share with them.
Have a great summer, everyone!
Spokane Chapter
by Hazel Flynn-Parkison
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer!
Our June meeting was about Health Care Reform. Speaker(s) Thomas Valdez from PAYCHEX (also Dwayne Kramer and Ryan Bailey) presented on the topic of Health Care Reform: “Must Know” Information for Accountants. Thomas explained that the Health Care Reform is composed of two laws, “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” and the “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act”. He discussed the timelines, young adult coverage, small business tax credits, HSA plans, etc.
Our next informative meeting in July was on the Tax Advantages of IRA/Pension Plans. Jim Hustsinpillar from PAYCHEX Retirement Services was the presenter. He discussed the client and participant fee disclosure statements and responsibilities, strategic 401k & Profit Sharing Strategies, etc.
Please come and join us for another great meeting on September 10th (no meeting in August).
View Monthly Meetings, Mini-Seminars and Register for Education Events on our website under Education > Calendar of Events.